Valentines Day

I did not watch the Superbowl.  I did not satisfy the curiosity to see whether Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, the US Royal couple made the cut.  I understand that the Chiefs won, so I expect the uni-verse of social media will be blowing up with memes and conspiracy themes.  We are a strange breed.  This being human. 


What I did do this weekend was present to on a lovely platform to a lovely group of men and women on the topic of the Wise Old Man.  I love the opportunity to present and in so doing consolidate and articulate what I am working over.  Last year I presented on the same platform on the archetype of the Wise Old Woman.  Seems fitting that I offer to present next year on the Divine Child.  Stay tuned.


I love my work as an analyst.  To sit hour after hour in the presence of soul and human leaning into relationship.  It is not a given.  So much gets in the way of our accessing and living from our soul.  The Spirit of the Depths and The Spirit of the Times are oftentimes at crossed purposes.  Or are they?  With eyes to see and ears to hear, we actually find the Times meet in the human heart. 


Why is it at all surprising that the Prince of American football and the Princess of pop music should garner so much attention?  As old Kings rant and rave or fall into King Lear like madness, as witches spin and cast spells upon our sensibilities, as an old world crumbles and a new world labours to be born, all manner of the macabre, the strange, the grotesque will vie for our attention. 


Tuesday is known to many as Strove Tuesday.  A day of feasting before the arrival of Lent and the forty days of fasting.  Excess before deprivation.  It was William Blake who told us poetically that in order to know moderation we must first know excess.  “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom...You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.”

― William Blake in Proverbs of Hell.


Look around.  We have been starving and cold in the huts and hovels of ignorance.  We must find our way to the palaces of wisdom.  We must look with respect upon the beauty of what our fore-bearers have created and listen deeply for the wisdom of God, the Sophia.  In my presentation on the weekend, a young man, a representation of his generation, asked how not to fall into nihilism.  It was such a sad and important question.  When we see a generation of young men and young women on the brink of despair, despondency and ideological decadence, one can’t help but understand that, like at all thresholds, there is a cultural and collective threshing underway.  When an alarming number of young women choose not to bear the future, when an alarming number of young men choose video gaming over relationship, we are in an apocalypse.  Apocalypse in the full meaning of the word.  These are the end times. 


I call to the wise women and wise men to cultivate a relationship with the Spirit of the Depths and the Spirit of the Times.  I call on Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, football stars and pop music sensations to constellate a soul guide, a Merlin, a psycho-pomp who will lead us to Sophia.

In a lovely little book called, The Thunder Perfect Mind: Voice of the Divine Feminine, rendered from the Nag Hammadi Coptic texts of 200CE, discovered under the sands of time in 1945, we hear, maybe for the first time, the beauty and the paradox and the love of the Voice of Sophia as She dwells in all that God has created. 


And I shall arise in action

Why then have your eyes not seen and hearts denied?

            Because I am not of your pleasure?

I am the sight of your eyes, the beat of your heart and the

delight of your pleasure

I am your opinion.

I am the idol of some,

And the smashed idol of the rest

I am the one who has always been shunned

And the one who have always been coveted

I am the one they have called God

            And who you call human

I am the one they have called truth

            And whom you call dream. 

                                                The Thunder Perfect Mind, by the estate of Lee Lozowick , 2023


Jung was asked if he believed in God.  He was laboured and soft in his response.  Finally, he said that he did not have to believe in God because he knew God.  So, in 2024, I lean in and ask, what is God?  As soon as the form is named, I lose it.  At best, on a Monday morning in February, God is the longing, the beauty, the vortex of energy that calls me forth.  The absence of God is the nihilism.  The despair.  The despondency.


For those with ears to hear and eyes to see, God and the Wisdom of God, Sophia, is in the Superbowl and in the Eras Tour SoFi StadiumThe Spirit of the Depths and The Spirit of the Times meet in the human heart.  The dystolic and systolic beat of the human heart that is the symphony of the cosmos. 


Happy Valentines Day!


The Tribal Unconscious


Wilderness Vigil